Meet the Children.

These are just some of the children. We have 63 children in the orphanage. We really need your help. 

Clide Jill

Clide Jill is the first born in the family. He did not see his father. The father died when  Clide was still in the womb. Clide remained with the mother and he has two siblings. 

Jill Hariet

Jill is 6 years old. Jill was born prematurely. Her mother was sick during pregnancy which made Jill to be born at six month. She is part paralyze on her right side.

Catherine Oyugi

Catherine is  ten years old. She is in 2nd grade, she is the first born in the family of five. The father died five years down the line and left her with her family suffering. 


Jeska Anyango

Jeska is 8 years old. Jeska is the second born in the house of five siblings, his father died when she was young. The life has been frustrating from the time the father died. 

 Eppy Mchira

Eppy is the fifth born  in the house of six  siblings, She has both parents but the father is mentally challenged. Eppy is in pre primary .She likes singing.


Eugene Ganda

Eugene is 12 years old. Eugene is the last born in their house where he has two sibling. Eugune's mother died when he was four years old they have been going through hard ever since.

Kelvin Ochieng

Kelvin is twelve year old. He is a partial orphan who stays with the mother after the father had died because of asthma a short period after he was born.


Catherine Okinyi

Catherine is 7 years old. Catherine stays with the mother after the death of her father. Her father died when she was one year old, Catherine is in pre primary.  Catherine has two siblings.

Kalmax Benzwela

Kalmax is ten year old. He is in 3rd grade. He is a total orphan whose stayed  with the grandparents after the death of both parents when he was young. 

Meshack Ochieng

Meshack is eight years old. He is in 1st. grade. Meshack stayed with his mother after the father had passed. Meshack likes playing volleyball and football.

Lovina Auma

Lovina is thirteen year old. She is in 5th grade. Lovina has both parents but the father is mentally challenged. Lovina likes drawing and plying rope. 

 Lixstone Odhiambo

Lixstone is eight years old. He is in 1st. grade. He is staying with the mother after the father died in a road accident. Lixstone is the second born in their family.

Kevin Omondi 

Kevin is fifteen year old. He is in 4th grade. The father died and left him with the mother ten years ago. Kevin have been surviving through well wishers.

 Kenny Naphtali

Kenny Naphtali is six years old. He stays with the mother, his father died  because high blood pressure when he was young, From the time the father died, Kenny has been with yellow fever.

Elly Ochieng

Elly is the only child of the mother. The father died the same year Elly  was born when he was one month old .He is in  4th grade . He wish to be a doctor when he grows up

 Sheril Akinyi

Sheril is a nine years old girl, she is the fourth born in the house of five. Sheril has both parents but vulnerable. Sheril lives a life of no hope because of the condition of her family.

Scovia Anyango

Scovia is six years old girl she is in pre-primary one. She is the second born in their family their first born died the same year with his only brother. 

 Senita  Gorety

 Senita Gorety is eight year old. She is the second born after his brother, they are only two children in their house. Senita is in second grade. Senita a total


 Moses  Okinyi

Moses is thirteen years old, he is in fourth grade. Moses stayed with the mother after the Father’s death while he was young, he has been surviving through the hands of well wishers.

Modesta Awuor

Modesta is a young lady of age 9, she stayed with the grandmother after the father’s death. Modesta is single parented girl the father died and left the mother in a family feud.

Carolyne Aoko

Carolyne is the last born in their house. They are ten children in their family. She has both parents but they are vulnerable. She is in first grade. 

Wicklyf  Omond

Wicklyf is ten year old boy, he  in third grade, he is the ninth born in a family of ten siblings. Wicklyf has both parents but vulnerable. Wicklyf has a heart condition. 

Vivian Akinyi

Vivian is  eleven years  old, she is in  third grade. She has both parents but are vulnerable and straggle to survive. Vivian is the fourth born in a family of seven.

 Viola  Anyango

Viola is seven years old , she is in kindergarten. Viola stays  with her mother after the father had passed. Viola and the family are living a life of trial and error, life life is very hard for them.

Victor Ooko

Victor is eight years old, he is in second grade, he is a single parented boy staying with the mother after the father’s death. Victor was left with his mother  where the family members displaced his mother because of the land dispute.

Velma Achieng

Velma is thirteen years old, she is in sixth grade, she is the first born in their family. Their father left them while she was young. Being that the family is very unstable.